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DBT skills are life skills. Many people did not have the skills taught in DBT demonstrated to them throughout their life. Research shows that the number of people reporting signs of anxiety, depression, or other mental health struggles, has reached an all-time high. While the need for mental health treatment continues to rise, accessibility remains a challenge, specifically in the U.S.

The goal of this training is to assist those who do not have access to a structured DBT group learn and utilize the strategies taught on their own, at no cost. The instruction is self-paced and delivered online in an asynchronous format so learners can access content at any time and move at their own pace. While this independent DBT course cannot replace the need for individual care from licensed practitioners, the goal is to provide a resource that is easy to access and navigate in a time where demand outweighs supply and access continues to be a struggle for many. While learners will have highly variable skill sets in each category addressed in DBT, all can benefit from every aspect in some way, and some learners will be more impacted by one category over another.

Worksheet: The Big Picture

About This Project

The goal of this course is to provide a free, convenient, and accessible foundation and understanding of traditional DBT in order for learners to begin building the life the want. Instruction is self-paced and delivered online in an asynchronous format. This introductory module gives an overview of DBT and the five modules that make up the course.


Project Highlights

  • Absorb Activity
  • Goals Worksheet (The Big Picture)


Project Tech

  • EdApp.com
  • Adobe InDesign
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Acrobat Pro